Journal of Innovative Approaches in Medicine
Abbreviation: JIAM | ISSN (Online): 2757-7589 | DOI: 10.29329/jiam


Journal of Innovative Approaches in Medicine (JIAM) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research on scientific principles in the field of medical research. JIAM aims to cover studies that bring an innovative perspective on basic medical science and clinical medicine. High priority is given to studies on the mechanism underlying human diseases, innovative approaches and translational medicine. The journal covers the subjects of biomedicine such as physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, pharmacology, immunology, pathophysiology etc., and subjects of clinical studies. High priority is given to studies on the mechanism underlying human diseases, innovative approaches and translational medicine. JIAM aims to promote rapid communication and dialogue among researchers, scientists, clinicians and engineers working in the areas of basic and clinical medicines. The journal publishes articles in Turkish and English. JIAM is published two(2) times a year.

JIAM is indexed and abstracted in; Bielefeld Academic Search Engine BASE; Index Copernicus World List; Scilit; ROAD Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources; Crossref; Directory of Research Journals Indexing; Cite Factor; Scientific Indexing Services (SIS); Journal Factor; Eurasian Scientific Journal Index.

The following types of papers are welcome: original articles (for the presentation of basic and clinical studies), review articles, short research communications and letters to the editor. Currently there is no restriction on the length of research papers and reviews; however, authors are urged to be concise. Short Research Communication presents a concise study, or sometimes preliminary but innovative and important research findings that might be less substantial than a full research paper. Short research communication is limited to be under 2500 words including references. Letters to the editor should be under 500 words, with no abstract, and a maximum of one table, one figure, and 15 references.

Note: Case reports or articles with limited case series will not be published in this journal under any circumstance. Please do not submit any case reports, case series, or case reviews.

Scientific ethical and legal responsibility of all the manuscript published in the journal belongs to the authors and publishing rights belong to the journal. Without permission from the publisher, some or all of any work cannot be published in other journals.

JIAM is a Crossref Member and gives DOI number to the accepted manuscript.

Peer Review Process: Pen Academic attaches great importance to the peer review process. The referee process is carried out with great care without compromising scientific principles. Referee reports of the applications are shared transparently with the indexes in which the journal is scanned. All applications are first reviewed by the editors for compliance with JIAM. Articles deemed appropriate in form and content are evaluated by sending to at least two referees. Due to the practice of blind refereeing, the referees do not know each other or the identity of the author or author of the article and they do not know the identities of the referees. After the evaluation process, the editor decides on the acceptance or rejection of the article in the light of the referee reports. For articles requesting major or minor changes, the process is first and sent to the referees again.

Editör Prof. Dr. Leyla Didem KOZACI
e-ISSN 2757-7589
DOI Prefix 10.29329/JIAM
Owner Pen Academic Publishing™
THDSoft Tayfun Taşbilek
Pen Academic Publishing is a trademark of THDSoft.
Address Pen Academic Publishing™
THDSoft Tayfun Taşbilek
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