Journal of Innovative Approaches in Medicine (JIAM) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research on scientific principles in the field of medical research. JIAM aims to cover studies that bring an innovative perspective on basic medical science ...
All submissions will be reviewed initially by the editors for appropriateness to JIAM. If the editor considers the manuscript to be appropriate, it will then double-blind peer-reviewed by independent, anonymous expert referees. The reviewers do not know...
Research article Morphometric Evaluation of Coccyx with Microcomputed Tomography (Micro CT) and Computed Tomography (CT) TechnologyFerhat Geneci, Cem Cemi̇l Denk, Muhammet Bora Uzuner, Mert Ocak, İhsan Doğan, Emre Yağız Sayacı, İlke Ali̇ Gürses, Nurdan Çay, Duygu Baykal, Hakan Hamdi̇ Çeli̇k & Ayhan Cömert |
Research article Retrospective Evaluation of the Gubernacular Tract in Impacted/Unerupted Teeth with Cone-Beam Computed TomographyMehmet Uğurlu, Münevver Kılıç, Sevcihan Günen Yılmaz, Hande Sağlam & Elif Bilgir |
Research article Ön Kol ve Elin Antropometrik Parametrelerinin El Kavrama Kuvvetine EtkisiEda Duygu İpek & Nazlı Gülriz Çeri |
Research article Sağlıklı Çocuklarda Böbrek Morfolojisinin DeğerlendirilmesiAygül Yıldız Cura, Nazli Gulriz Ceri, Ersen Ertekin & Gizem Sakallı |
Research article Therapy Induced Senescence Promote Expression of Death Receptors in Breast Cancer CellsMehtap Kılıç Eren, Hatice Pilevneli, Ceylan Ak, Ayfer Karlıtepe & Nazlican Kaygusuz |